
A ComboBox to select different items from an indexed items list

Special Properties

Property ID Default Value Description
items "" Put in a list with the values that you want to select. Seperate the values with a newline.
fontName Default Select a font of your system fonts.
fontSize 13.0 Set the font size
fontStyle plain Set the font style
enableMidiLearn false If true then you can right-click and assign this combobox to a MIDI controller / macro control.
popupAlignment bottom Controls where the popup menu will appear relative to the combobox
useCustomPopup false If true , then you can use the advanced syntax for creating complex popup menus with headers, submenus etc.


Each ComboBox-selection returns the selected items index value.

Attention: the index starts with 1.

ComboBox1.getItemText() returns the text of the item.

const var ComboBox1 = Content.getComponent("ComboBox1");

inline function onComboBox1Control(component, value)


Scripting API


CSS Styling

You can define a stylesheet that customizes the look of the combobox with the generic select HTML tag selector, the class id .scriptcombobox or using the specific button name as ID selector (#ComboBox1 ).

It supports the following CSS pseudo states :

In order to draw the arrow for the drop down you can use the ::before / ::after pseudo elements and give them a path (as shown below in the example).

Example Stylesheet

const var cb = Content.addComboBox("ComboBox1", 10, 10);

cb.set("items", "Item1\nItem2\nItem3");

const var laf = Content.createLocalLookAndFeel();


/** Style the appearance of the combobox. */
	background: #333;
	border-radius: 3px;
	color: white;
	letter-spacing: 1px;
	font-weight: bold;
	text-align: left;
	padding: 10px;

/** Draw the drop down arrow. */
	/** CSS requires that you specify a content property for
	    any pseudo element that is supposed to be shown. */
	content: '';
	/** Pass in a Base64 string for any path using the standard HISE Path converter. */
	background-image: \"84.t0lavsBQ76.tCwF..VDQX+9fCw1WJBDQnj.cCwFp5YBQ3NhqCwly0w.QzMCcCwF..d.QTV.gCwFD6YBQpsevCwVtvsBQn.AtCwlavsBQ76.tCMVY\";
	background-color: rgba(255,255,255, 0.4);
	/** Set the position to absolute so that it won't cut into the text area. */
	position: absolute;
	width: 100vh;
	margin: 8px;
	right: 0px;

/** Make the arrow light up at hover. */
	background-color: white;


Styling the popup menu

The drop down menu that is shown when you click on the combobox can be styled with the popup-menu / popup-item classes.

Note that this will also apply to right-click menus of other components that you assign a CSS Look and Feel object.

const var cb = Content.addComboBox("ComboBox1", 10, 10);

/** Let's use the advanced syntax to show off some of the special
    popup menu styles. 
cb.set("useCustomPopup", true);
cb.set("items", "Item1\nItem2\n___\n~~Item3~~");

const var laf = Content.createLocalLookAndFeel();

	background: #333;
	color: white;

/** This styles the entire background of the menu. */
	background: #333;

/** This styles the individual items in a menu. */
	background: transparent;
	color: #999;
	padding: 10px;

/** The currently hovered popup menu item. */
	background: rgba(255,255,255, 0.2);

/** The currently selected popup menu item. */
	color: white;

	font-weight: bold;

/** A disabled popup menu item. */
	color: #555;

/** A separator item can be styled using the HTML tag for horizontal rulers. */
	margin: -10px;
	border: 1px solid #444;

