
A Panel that shows all MIDI-learned controls + adjustment possibilities

ID Default Value Description
Font Oxygen Bold Set the font type.
FontSize 14.0 Set the font size.

A table that shows the MIDI-CC learned parameters and methods to adjust the min, max and to invert the range. If the UI-component has enableMidiLearn set to true, you can add it to the list.

For more customizations please take a look at CustomLookAndFeel .

CSS Styling

The MIDI Learn Panel can also be styled using the CSS renderer. This allows a far more in-depth customization than the scripted look and feel. In order to use the CSS renderer, register a LookAndFeel with a stylesheet to the FloatingTile and define the following selectors:

Selector Description
table Draws the background of the entire table. It also uses the margin and padding properties for positioning
th Draws the cells of the table header. Use the pseudo states :first-child and last-child to style the edges
tr Draws the background of a table row.
td Draws the content of a table cell (in this case the text of the first two columns).
button Renders the Inverted button. Use the width property to change the size of the button column.
.range-slider Renders the range sliders. Use the width property to change the size of the button column.
scrollbar Render the scrollbar that appears when the number of rows exceed the table height.


In addition to the UI rendering, the CSS stylesheets will also be used for determining the positions & size of each element:

Note that the styling of this component is 100% identical to the styling of the FrontEndMacroPanel .