
Connects to module type: unsupported

Displays the volume of a Sound generator.

ID Default Value Description
Font Oxygen Bold Set the font type.
FontSize 14.0 Set the font size.
ProcessorId "" The ID (name) of any module with a meter (sound generator, effect, container, matrix, etc)
Index -1 no description
FollowWorkspace false no description
SegmentLedSize 0.0 Segment the bar into parts to give it a LED like look.
UseSourceChannels false Set to true to use the source channels.
ChannelIndexes {} Array of channel indexes. Set to [0,1] for stereo.
UpDecayTime 0.0 Smoothes the way up in milliseconds.
DownDecayTime 0.0 Smoothes the way down, in milliseconds.
SkewFactor 1.0 Skew the value to the top (0.1), or down (1-2).
PaddingSize 1.0 Set the padding between and around the bars in px.
ShowMaxPeak true Shows a small bar at the latest peak.

The panel displays all gain channels of the Routing Matrix of a given sound generator.