
Connects to module type: Parametric EQ

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ID Default Value Description
Font Oxygen Bold Set the font type.
FontSize 14.0 Set the font size.
ProcessorId "" The ID of the parametric EQ
Index -1 no description
FollowWorkspace false no description
AllowFilterResizing true Set to false to disable deleting a node.
AllowDynamicSpectrumAnalyser 0
UseUndoManager false Set to false to disable using the Undo manager.
ResetOnDoubleClick false Set to true to enable Reset on double click.
AllowContextMenu true Set to false to disable the contect menu.
GainRange 24.0 Set the range of the min and max gain. The displayed value is set to -6 db of the range value.

Connect is to a Parametric EQ to display the editable filter curve in the floating tile.