
HISE has a few complex inbuilt data structures that are connected to various UI elements (Tables, SliderPacks) etc.
The access to those classes and their underlying data is handled by this class.
This class is used as parameter in the setExternalData callback, which will be called whenever something changes.
It's usually good practice to keep a copy of the last ExternalData around in your class to refer blocks to it or synchronize access using a DataReadLock or - more unusual - DataWriteLock.

Public types

enum DataType

Name Description
Table the data of a Table object (a look up table with 512 float numbers)
SliderPack the data of a SliderPack (a resizable array of float numbers)
AudioFile a multichannel audio file with some metadata (loop points, samplerate).
FilterCoefficients filter coefficients that can be used for displaying purposes
DisplayBuffer a FIFO buffer that can be used for analysing / visualisations

Class members


DataType dataType = DataType::numDataTypes

the data type of the target data.


int numSamples = 0

The number of samples (= the length of the float array)


int numChannels = 0

The number of audio channels (usually 1 if not an audio file).


int isXYZAudioData = 0

Specifies whether the data points to a multichannel sample set.


void* data = nullptr

An untyped pointer to the actual data.


hise::ComplexDataUIBase* obj = nullptr

A pointer to the complex data object that is used for eg. UI updates.


double sampleRate = 0.0

the samplerate (if the data is an audio file).

Class methods


template   ExternalData(T &other, DataType type)

Creates an external data object from a constant value class.


void referBlockTo(block &b, int channelIndex) const

assigns a block container to the data type. If the external data is pointing to an audio file you can specify the channelIndex.


void setDisplayedValue(double valueToDisplay)

This will send a update message to the UI so you can implement eg. a playback position.


bool isEmpty() const

Returns true if there is no data associated with this object.


bool isXYZ() const

If the ExternalData object points to audio data this specifies whether it's a multisample set or a single sample.