

dynamically route input channels to output channels


ID Range Default Description
ChannelIndex 0.00 - 16.00 0.00 The first source or target channel index that is used for the routing
NumChannels 1.00 - 16.00 1.00 How many channels you want to route. This must be less than the number of available channels
SelectOutput 0.00 - 1.00 0.00 If true , it will route the first NumChannels input channels to the output channels using the ChannelIndex as offset. If false , it will route NumChannels input channels at the offset ChannelIndex to the first NumChannels output channels.
ClearOtherChannels 0.00 - 1.00 1.00 If true , it will clear all other channels that are not routed, otherwise it will just add it to the existing signal.

This node allows you to create dynamic routing configurations - for static routing setups the routing.matrix node might be a better match. You can either route an arbitrary amount of input channels to the first output channels or the first X input channels to any output channel.

The graph of the connections will show exactly what's going on:

Graph Description
Route the third input channel to the first output channel.
Route the first input pair to output channel 3/4.
Copy the left channel to the right channel.