

A node for replacing cable connections within a network


ID Range Default Description
Value 0.00 - 1.00 0.00 no description.

The functionality of this node is similar to the global_cable node but the connections are scoped to the network only (hence the name local ). You can use it in complex patches to improve the clarity of the network which might look convoluted with lots of cable connections.

Here's a (pretty random) network with lots of connections:

If we now send every root parameter into a dedicated local_cable and then add connections by adding matching local_cable nodes in the vicinity of the targets, we get a much cleaner looking network:

UX Helpers

There are a few functions that will improve the workflow when using local cables. The first thing you'll notice is that there is a list of all local cables:

The inverse operation (turning cables into connections through a local_cable) can be achieved from the connections editor. Right click on any modulation source (either draggers or sliders) to see a list of connections:

Click on the second icon to the left to replace the connection with a local cable. You will be asked to supply a ID for the connection for further customization. Also undoable.

Note that this function will detect whether to create a local_cable node or its unscaled brother, the local_cable_unscaled node based on the connection type that it should replace.

With these two functions you should be able to reorganize your networks to yield a nice clean looking appearance. Note that if you compile the networks, it will internally remove all local_cables and replace it with the normal connections (so basically the step that you perform with the right click option in the list).