

A node that sends a voice reset message when silence is detected.


ID Range Default Description
Threshold -120.00 - -60.00 -100.00 Sets the threshold level (in dB) below which the audio signal is considered silent.
Active 0.00 - 1.00 1.00 A boolean parameter that suspends the silence detection if set to false

The most epic silent_killer node is designed to manage voices of a HISE sound generator by sending a voice reset message as soon as silence is detected. It continuously monitors the audio signal for each voice and when the signal falls below the specified threshold level (and the Active parameter is enabled ), the node sends a voice reset message that can be picked up by a Scriptnode Voice Killer to kill the voice.

MIDI Processing

If the node is sitting in a MIDI processing context (which it will be by default if used in a scriptnode synthesiser), then it will store an internal state that will be set to true as long as the note is being held (so a note off message sets it back to false). The idea is that your voice might encounter short periods of silence (eg. from a LFO modulating the amplitude with a square signal) which should not trigger the silence detection.


Detecting the silence to kill a note can be considered a very brute force way of managing voices and in most cases it might be better to use the voice_manager node which can send a voice reset message on much more predictable events.