

Send different values to cloned nodes


ID Range Default Description
NumClones 1.00 - 16.00 1.00 The number of clones
Value 0.00 - 1.00 0.00 The (normalised) input value
Gamma 0.00 - 1.00 0.00 An additional parameter that skews the output of certain nodes

This node can be used to modulate and change parameters of child nodes of a container.clone node.

In order to use this node, just drag its modulation source to a parameter of the first clone, set the mode and change the value parameter.

Be aware that as soon as you have connected the node, the NumClones will be overriden (and updated) by the actual number of clones that is used in the target clone container (so you don't have to keep these in sync manually).

There are several modes available that determine how the value that is being send to each clone is being calculated.

Mode Description Gamma Example Midi
Spread spreads the value from the mid point (bipolar) Changes the curve from linear to something logarithmishly Detune, Stereo spread No Scale scales the value from zero to value (unipolar) Changes the curve to a polynomial delay times No
Random sends a random value nothing phase offset for reducing chorus effect No
Harmonic sends a multiple of the input value nothing frequency for additive synthesis Yes
Fixed sends a fixed value to all nodes nothing anything that needs to be modulated Yes
Nyquist caps the value once the harmonics exceed the nyquist frequency the "Q" factor of the filter antialiasing for additive synthesis Yes
Triangle reduces the start and end points by a certain amount skews the curve attenuation of left / right No
Ducker a fixed value only determined by the amount of voices determines the level of attenuation normalisation of volume for unisono voices No

As you can see a few of those modes react to MIDI input (the normalised frequency value of a note on message) if they exist inside a context that processes MIDI messages.

If you connect them to a frequency parameter, make sure to select the unskewed range from 0-20000Hz (the "Linear 0 - 20kHz" preset in the range drop down menu)