

Processes its child nodes with a static but configurable block size
This version is a somewhat dynamic version of the fix8_block . "Somewhat dynamic" as in it allows you to change the block size during development using the property combobox.

The block size selector is hidden by default, smash that parameter button to show it.

Choosing a correct block size for parts of the network is a delicate process where you can make a tradeoff between performance and CPU usage. In order to evaluate which block size is the best bang for the buck, this node can be used to check different values.

Note that when you compile a fix_blockx node, it will take the current block size as a static value just as if you would have used eg. the fix8_block8 node. This removes the entire overhead of branching between different block size code paths and allows the optimizer to do its work.

If you want a "true" dynamic block size that you can alter through a parameter, check out the dynamic_blocksize node.