
The UserPresetHandler object can be used to customize the data handling of your project. You can attach callbacks to certain events (eg. loading user presets), define a custom data object that will replace the default XML structure of a user preset and add custom automation parameters. In order to use it, create it with Engine.createUserPresetHandler() and then use one of its methods.

const var UserPresetHandler = Engine.createUserPresetHandler();

It's considered best practice to only have one of these objects around.

Class methods


Attaches a callback to automation changes. Pass a non-function as updateCallback to remove the callback for the given automation ID.

UserPresetHandler.attachAutomationCallback(String automationId, var updateCallback, var isSynchronous)

This attaches a script callback to an automation parameter that was previously registered using
Userpresethandler.setCustomAutomation() .

The automationId argument must match the ID property of one of the existing automation parameters. The function you pass in as updateFunction must have a single parameter that will contain the parameter value when the parameter is changed. You can decide whether the execution of the parameter should be done synchronously (in the audio thread) or deferred on the UI thread depenending on your use case.

Unlike the setControlCallback() function, registering an additional callback will not override the connections defined with the connections property so it can be used to perform additional tasks.

Use clearAttachedCallbacks() in order to remove previously registered functions.


Clears all attached callbacks.



Creates an object containing the values for every automation ID.



Creates an object containing all values of components with the saveInPreset flag.



Returns the automation index.

UserPresetHandler.getAutomationIndex(String automationID)


Returns the amount of seconds since the last preset has been loaded.



Returns true if this is called somewhere inside a preset load. This takes the thread ID into account to avoid false positives when calling this on another thread.



Returns true if the user preset that is about to be loaded is a DAW state (or initial state). This function is only useful during the pre / post load callbacks.



Checks if the given version string is a older version than the current project version number.

UserPresetHandler.isOldVersion( String version)


Loads the default user preset (if it's defined in the project).



Runs a few tests that catches data persistency issues.



Sends an automation value change for the given index.

UserPresetHandler.setAutomationValue(int automationIndex, float newValue)


Enables host / MIDI automation with the custom user preset model.

UserPresetHandler.setCustomAutomation(var automationData)

This method allows to define automation parameters that can be attached / detached to UI elements dynamically. If you use this mode, all MIDI CC automation and macro assignments will operate on the automation data model instead of the actual UI element (so assigning a MIDI CC to a UI element via drop down or learn mode will connect the automation data with the source).

This is useful when you're using an UI element that can be assigned to multiple targets dynamically. In order to use it, just call this method with a JSON object that describes all automatable parameters. Then use the automationID property of a UI element to assign the control to one of the automation targets. This can be done dynamically.

Be aware that this function only works in combination with a custom user preset model, so you need to call UserPresetHandler.setUseCustomDataModel() before using this method.

The JSON object you need to pass in here must be an array of objects where each array element describes one automation parameter. The automation object can / must have these properties:

Property Type Default Description
ID String - a unique identifier for the automation parameter
min double 0.0 he minimum value
max double 1.0 the maximum value
middlePosition double mid the middle position
stepSize double 0.0 the step size
allowMidiAutomation bool true whether this parameter can be automated using MIDI CC messages
allowHostAutomation bool true whether this parameter can be automated using host automation (plugin parameters)
connections Array [] A list of parameter targets that are changed when the parameter is changed. Each element of this array must be a object with a processorId and parameterId property (just like the default UI element connections).

Example object:

const var automationObject = 
	"ID": "First Parameter",
	"min": 0.5, 
	"max": 2.0,
	"middlePosition": 1.0,
	"stepSize": 0.0,
	"allowMidiAutomation": true,
	"allowHostAutomation": false,
	"connections": [
	  	"processorId": "SimpleGain1",
	  	"parameterId": "Gain"
	  	"processorId": "SimpleGain2",
	  	"parameterId": "Gain"

The connections property is not the only way to add logic to a automation parameter, you can alse use Userpresethandler.attachAutomationCallback() in order to add a scripted callback (this is equivalent to ScriptComponent.setControlCallback() vs. using the processorId / parameterId connections).


Enables a preprocessing of every user preset that is being loaded.

UserPresetHandler.setEnableUserPresetPreprocessing(bool processBeforeLoading, bool shouldUnpackComplexData)


Sets a callback that will be executed after the preset has been loaded.

UserPresetHandler.setPostCallback(var presetPostCallback)


Sets a callback that will be executed after a preset has been saved.

UserPresetHandler.setPostSaveCallback(var presetPostSaveCallback)


Sets a callback that will be executed synchronously before the preset was loaded

UserPresetHandler.setPreCallback(var presetPreCallback)


Disables the default user preset data model and allows a manual data handling.

UserPresetHandler.setUseCustomUserPresetModel(var loadCallback, var saveCallback, bool usePersistentObject)

This function can be used to bypass the default HISE data model (one value per UI element) and roll your own data model with dedicated callbacks for loading and saving the state of your projects (eg. in user presets, DAW save files, init state, etc).

In order to use this function, you need to supply two methods for loading and saving with these signatures:

const var uph = Engine.createUserPresetHandler();

inline function onPresetLoad(var obj)
	// do something with `obj`

inline function onPresetSave()
	return { "MyObject": someContent };

uph.setUseCustomUserPresetModel(onPresetLoad, onPresetSave, false);

The load function contains a single parameter with a JSON object describing your plugin state. What the content of this object is is defined by your save function, which expects you to return a object that fully describes your plugin state.

Usually this means that you have one big JSON object that you return in your save function and restore in your load function.

During development, the usePersistentObject flag might be helpful - if this is true, it will call the save function before recompiling and call the load function with the previous object after compiling, so that the values of your data object to not reset each time you compile. However this might overwrite the object you define, so at the beginning, you must use this function at least once without this flag. In the compiled project it won't make much of a difference as the recompilation does not happen after the plugin was instantiated.

Also be aware that if you want to use the custom automation model, you will need to enable this mode too.


Enables Engine.undo() to restore the previous user preset (default is disabled).

UserPresetHandler.setUseUndoForPresetLoading(bool shouldUseUndoManager)


Updates the given automation values and optionally sends out a message.

UserPresetHandler.updateAutomationValues(var data, var sendMessage, bool useUndoManager)


Restores the values for all UI elements that are connected to a processor with the processorID / parameterId properties.



Restores all values of components with the saveInPreset flag.

UserPresetHandler.updateSaveInPresetComponents(var obj)