
Create a reference to a Viewport UI component and modify its values.

const var Viewport1 = Content.getComponent("Viewport1");

Class methods


Adds the knob / button to a macro controller (from 0 to 7). Edit on GitHub

ScriptedViewport.addToMacroControl(int macroIndex)


Call this to indicate that the value has changed (the onControl callback will be executed. Edit on GitHub



Returns a local look and feel if it was registered before. Edit on GitHub

ScriptedViewport.createLocalLookAndFeel(ScriptContentComponent *contentComponent, Component *componentToRegister)


Toggles the visibility and fades a component using the global animator. Edit on GitHub

ScriptedViewport.fadeComponent(bool shouldBeVisible, int milliseconds)


returns the value of the property. Edit on GitHub

ScriptedViewport.get(String propertyName)


Returns a list of all property IDs as array. Edit on GitHub



Returns list of component's children Edit on GitHub



Returns the absolute x-position relative to the interface. Edit on GitHub



Returns the absolute y-position relative to the interface. Edit on GitHub



Returns the height of the component. Edit on GitHub



Returns the ID of the component. Edit on GitHub



Returns a [x, y, w, h] array that was reduced by the given amount. Edit on GitHub

ScriptedViewport.getLocalBounds(float reduceAmount)


Returns the index of the original data passed into setTableRowData. Edit on GitHub

ScriptedViewport.getOriginalRowIndex(int rowIndex)


Returns the current value. Edit on GitHub



Returns the normalized value. Edit on GitHub



Returns the width of the component. Edit on GitHub



Call this method in order to grab the keyboard focus for this component. Edit on GitHub



Call this method in order to give away the focus for this component. Edit on GitHub



Manually sends a repaint message for the component. Edit on GitHub



Sets the property. Edit on GitHub

ScriptedViewport.set(String propertyName, var value)


sets the colour of the component (BG, IT1, IT2, TXT). Edit on GitHub

ScriptedViewport.setColour(int colourId, int colourAs32bitHex)


Registers a selection of key presses to be consumed by this component. Edit on GitHub

ScriptedViewport.setConsumedKeyPresses(var listOfKeys)


Pass a inline function for a custom callback event. Edit on GitHub

ScriptedViewport.setControlCallback(var controlFunction)


Specify the event types that should trigger a setValue() callback.

ScriptedViewport.setEventTypesForValueCallback(var eventTypeList)

If you want the table to store the current selection in its value slot (for saving & restoring), you can supply a list of event types that trigger a call to setValue() . The parameter must be a array of strings from this list:

["Selection", "SingleClick", "DoubleClick", "ReturnKey" ]

The value that is stored is either the row index (starting with 0) or if you're in multi-column mode, an array with the data [columnIndex, rowIndex] (again, zero-based).

Be aware that using this method will also make the table use the undo manager if the useUndoManager flag is set.

Note that if you have assigned a callback to the table with setTableCallback , the JSON object of the callback will have set the type to SetValue or Undo if you call setValue() or Engine.undo() , so you should handle those cases gracefully in your callback too.


Adds a callback to react on key presses (when this component is focused). Edit on GitHub

ScriptedViewport.setKeyPressCallback(var keyboardFunction)


Attaches the local look and feel to this component. Edit on GitHub

ScriptedViewport.setLocalLookAndFeel(var lafObject)


Sets the position of the component. Edit on GitHub

ScriptedViewport.setPosition(int x, int y, int w, int h)


Restores all properties from a JSON object. Edit on GitHub

ScriptedViewport.setPropertiesFromJSON( var jsonData)


Sets the given class selectors for the component stylesheet. Edit on GitHub

ScriptedViewport.setStyleSheetClass( String classIds)


Sets a variable for this component that can be queried from a style sheet. Edit on GitHub

ScriptedViewport.setStyleSheetProperty( String variableId,  var value,  String type)


Programatically sets a pseudo state (:hover, :active, :checked, :focus, :disabled) that will be used by the CSS renderer. Edit on GitHub

ScriptedViewport.setStyleSheetPseudoState( String pseudoState)


Set a function that is notified for all user interaction with the table.

ScriptedViewport.setTableCallback(var callbackFunction)

You can assign a callback that will be executed whenever there is an user interaction with the table:

The parameter you pass in must be a function with a single parameter, which will hold a JSON object with the callback data. It will have these properties:

Property Type Description
Type String A string indicating the callback type. This can be one of these values: "Slider" , "Button" , "Selection" , "Click" , "DoubleClick" , "ReturnKey" , "DeleteRow"
rowIndex int the (zero-based) row index
columnID String the ID of the column as defined with the setColumnData function.
value number or object Depending on the callback type, this is either the value of the UI element (slider or button) or the entire row data for the other event types.


Define the columns of the table. This can only be done in the onInit callback.

ScriptedViewport.setTableColumns(var columnMetadata)

This method can be used to define the column layout of the table. It expects a single argument with a list of JSON objects for every column you want to add to your table. This function must be called after setting the table metadata and before populating the table with row data.

Property Type Description
ID String A unique ID for each column.
Type String Defines the UI element for the given column. This can be either "Text" , "Button" , "Slider" or "ComboBox" .
Label String A string that is used for the column header. If this is undefined, the ID property will be used instead.
Focus bool If MultiColumnMode is enabled, this will control whether a left / right key press will focus this cell. Set to false if you want to skip that column (default is true).
Visible bool By default all columns are visible, but you can hide a column in order to use the ID as hidden metadata.
MinWidth int the minimum size of the column.
MaxWidth int the maximum width of the column. -1 for auto-fit
Width int the standard width of the column. If undefined, it will use the minimum width.


If the column should be a slider you will have these additional properties:

Property Type Description
MinValue double the minimum value.
MaxValue double the maximum value.
SkewFactor double the skew factor.
StepSize double the step size.

You can override the default look and feel of the slider with the "drawLinearSlider" method.


If the column should display a button, you can use these additional properties:

Property Type Description
Toggle bool whether the button is momentary or has a toggle state.
Text String The text to show on the display.

You can override the default look and feel of the button with the "drawToggleButton" method.


If the columns should display a Combobox, you can use these additional properties:

Property Type Description
items Array The list of items you want to show
ValueMode String defines how the value is supposed to be interpreted.
Value var defines the default value of the combobox. The format of the value is defined by the ValueMode property
Text String The text to show when nothing is selected.

The ValueMode property defines how the value is supposed to be interpreted. There are three options:

The properties Value and items are dynamic, which means that you can pass in a JSON object into setTableRowData() to define different item lists for different rows:

const var ModTable = Content.getComponent("Viewport1");

	"MultiColumnMode": false,
	"HeaderHeight": 32,
	"RowHeight": 32,
	"ScrollOnDrag": false

	"Source": "Source",
		"items": ["Yes", "No", "Maybe"],
		"Value": "No"
	"Source": "Other Source",
		"items": ["Some other item", "Second"],
		"Value": "Second"

	"ID": "Source",
	"Type": "Text",
	"MinWidth": 150
	"ID": "Mode",
	"Type": "ComboBox",
	"MinWidth": 80,
	"Toggle": true,
	"Text": "Default",
	"ValueMode": "Text"

You can override the default look and feel of the combobox with the "drawComboBox" method.


Turns this viewport into a table with the given metadata. This can only be done in the onInit callback.

ScriptedViewport.setTableMode(var tableMetadata)

Calling this function will turn this Viewport into a table with multiple columns and dynamic row data. The function expects a JSON object as single argument which contains some metadata properties that define the appearance and behaviour of the table.

Property Type Description
MultiColumnMode bool If enabled, the table will treat each column as individual data entity (see above for a detailed explanation of this mode).
HeaderHeight int The height of the column header. If this is 0, it will be hidden.
RowHeight int the height of each row.
MultiSelection bool if enabled, this allows selection of multiple rows at once.
ScrollOnDrag bool if enabled, dragging the mouse will scroll the viewport (like on a web browser). If disabled, you'll need to use the scrollbars.
SliderRangeIdSet String if you're using sliders in a cell, you can define which ID set is used to fetch the range limits. This is useful if you're displaying JSON data with a fixed format (eg. the output of Midiautomationhandler.getAutomationDataObject() ). The possible values are "scriptnode" , "ScriptComponent" , "MidiAutomation" and "MidiAutomationFull" (check the console output for a list of range ids that is used when you call this method with this property).
CallbackOnSliderDrag bool This controls whether the sliders in the table will send a update while dragging or just when you lift the mouse button. In some cases, you will need to skip the updates while dragging because it will spawn a heavyweight operation that you only want to perform once (eg. when setting the automation data from the JSON object).

This function needs to be called before any other function related to tables. Also be aware that calling this function is only possible during the onInit callback.

Multi-column mode

If you set the MultiColumnMode property to true, it will cause repaints whenever you hover over cells. This can be useful if you want to arrange your data in a 2D space (eg. if you're creating a browser that displays multiple files in a row). You can also use setValue() with a [columnIndex, rowIndex] array to set the active cell programatically (and if the viewport has the saveInPreset flag, it will cause a callback when you load user presets).

In this mode, the viewport will also support horizontal navigation with the left-right arrow keys and it will fire the table callback whenever a cell has changed.

Please be aware that the default appearance will still highlight the entire row, so you need to customize the drawTableCell function with a LAF object. In this callback, the selected property will stil be true for the entire row, but you can use the clicked and hover property to figure out which cell is active / hovered.


Update the row data for the table.

ScriptedViewport.setTableRowData(var tableData)

If you have setup this Viewport as a table, you can use this method in order to populate the rows of the table.

The argument must be a list of JSON objects, which must define a value for every column ID:

The data you pass in will not be copied, so if you modify the data, it will update the table content.

Also dragging the slider or clicking the button in a column will update the values in this object (so you don't have to do this manually in the table callback).


Sets a custom function that can be used in order to sort the table if the user clicks on a column header. Edit on GitHub

ScriptedViewport.setTableSortFunction(var sortFunction)


Shows a informative text on mouse hover. Edit on GitHub

ScriptedViewport.setTooltip( String tooltip)


Sets the current value from a range 0.0 ... 1.0. Edit on GitHub

ScriptedViewport.setValueNormalized(double normalizedValue)


Sets the current value and adds it to the undo list. Don't call this from onControl! Edit on GitHub

ScriptedViewport.setValueWithUndo(var newValue)


Changes the depth hierarchy (z-axis) of sibling components (Back, Default, Front or AlwaysOnTop). Edit on GitHub

ScriptedViewport.setZLevel(String zLevel)


Hides / Shows the control. Edit on GitHub

ScriptedViewport.showControl(bool shouldBeVisible)


This updates the internal content data object from the script processor. Edit on GitHub

ScriptedViewport.updateContentPropertyInternal(int propertyId,  var newValue)


Updates the value from the processor connection. Call this method whenever the module state has changed and you want to refresh the knob value to show the current state. Edit on GitHub
