The DSPNetwork
is a class with a collection of nodes
that can be arranged in multiple containers to build up a signal chain. It supercharges the script processor modules that already perform DSP operations with a graph-based audio development environment.
Feature list
- prototype effects, modulators and sound generators using a intuitive graph-based environment with a workflow similar to a modular synthesiser.
- completely scriptable and dynamic signal path using different types of containers.
- C++ code generator that creates nodes that perform 1:1 equivalent DSP processing.
- consistent workflow with the other HISE features (think of Interface Designer for DSP).
- inbuilt concept of polyphony
- a few core DSP classes, additional libraries will be wrapped soon (STK is the first).
For a full documentation about the scriptnode system, take a look at the dedicated documentation.
Class methods
Removes all nodes. Edit on GitHub
DspNetwork.clear(bool removeNodesFromSignalChain, bool removeUnusedNodes)
Creates and returns a node with the given path (factory.node
). If a node with the id already exists, it returns this node. Edit on GitHub
DspNetwork.create(String path, String id)
Creates a node, names it automatically and adds it at the end of the given parent. Edit on GitHub
DspNetwork.createAndAdd(String path, String id, var parent)
Creates multiple nodes from the given JSON object. Edit on GitHub
DspNetwork.createFromJSON(var jsonData, var parent)
Creates a test object for this network. Edit on GitHub
DspNetwork.createTest(var testData)
Deletes the node if it is not in a signal path. Edit on GitHub
DspNetwork.deleteIfUnused(String id)
Returns a reference to the node with the given id. Edit on GitHub
DspNetwork.get(var id)
Initialise processing of all nodes. Edit on GitHub
DspNetwork.prepareToPlay(double sampleRate, double blockSize)
Process the given channel array with the node network. Edit on GitHub
DspNetwork.processBlock(var data)
Defines whether the UI controls of this script control the parameters or regular script callbacks. Edit on GitHub
DspNetwork.setForwardControlsToParameters(bool shouldForward)
Sets the parameters of this node according to the JSON data. Edit on GitHub
DspNetwork.setParameterDataFromJSON(var jsonData)
Undo the last action. Edit on GitHub