LFO Modulator

Type ID: LFO

A LFO Modulator modulates the signal with a low frequency


# ID Description
0 Frequency Changes the frequency of the LFO from 0.5 - 10Hz
1 FadeIn Time to Fade the LFO to full intensity in ms. Be aware: not linear.
2 WaveFormType Choose a LFO Waveform
3 Legato Turn Legato on/off
4 TempoSync Syncs the LFO to the Main Tempo
5 SmoothingTime Smooth the LFO
6 NumSteps
7 LoopEnabled
8 PhaseOffset Offsets the phase of the oscillator. @ 0% down from 1 (top of sinus-hill), 25% down from 0.5, 50% up from 0, 75% up from 0.5 .
9 SyncToMasterClock -
10 IgnoreNoteOn -


# ID Restriction Description
0 LFO Intensity Mod No global modulators Modulates the intensity of the LFO.