EventData Envelope

Type ID: EventDataEnvelope

An envelope modulator for time-varying event data slots

This envelope modulator will pick up the data written to the event data and create a time-varying modulation signal. This is one of the two options of reading a polyphonic, time-varying signal (the other one is the routing.event_data_reader node in a scriptnode network).

The resolution of this modulation signal is limited to the buffer size so depending on your projects requirements, you might want to limit the maximum buffer size using Engine.setMaximumBlockSize()

If you only need a constant modulation value per event, then use the Event Data Modulator instead.

Take a look at the series of examples in the snippet browser called Custom Event Data ... for an introduction use case of this concept.


# ID Description
0 Monophonic -
1 Retrigger -
2 SlotIndex The data slot that should be used to read the value
3 DefaultValue The value that should be used when there is no data written to the respective slot
4 SmoothingTime The smoothing that will be applied to the envelope signal