
Type ID: HardcodedPolyphonicFX
Interface classes: RoutingMatrix VoiceResetter

Select a compiled polyphonic DSP Network to process it in the effect chain.

This module can load compiled networks with the AllowPolyphonic flag and process voice-based DSP algorithms. It is the hardcoded counterpart of the Polyphonic Script FX .

In order to use this module, you need to compile at least one network with the AllowPolyphonic flag set to true, then select it in the drop down menu (or call the Scripting API method SlotFX.setEffect() if you want to do that programmatically).

Be aware that unlike the dynamic scriptnode modules, the hardcoded / compiled versions expect a static channel count so make sure that the CompileChannelAmount property of the network matches the actual channel configuration.

Additional modulation slots

Besides a considerable boost in CPU performance, using the hardcoded module gives you the ability of modulating the first parameters of your effect with a dedicated modulation chain that you can fill with HISE moduleators (velocity, AHDSR, etc). This feature is deactivated by default, but you can recompile HISE with the preprocessor NUM_HARDCODED_POLY_FX_MODS set to the number of modulation slots you need. This is a global property, so if you want to control the first three parameters of each hardcoded poly FX with a modulation chain, recompile HISE with NUM_HARDCODED_POLY_FX_MODS=3 .

Obviously you will need to put that preprocessor also in your ExtraDefinition fields of your project so it will be picked up when exporting your plugin.

Voice management

Just like the polyphonic script FX, this module can manage the voice logic of HISE. Read more about this topic here .