Convolution Reverb

Type ID: Convolution
Interface classes: AudioSampleProcessor RoutingMatrix

A fast convolution reverb

This is a fast convolution reverb based on the excellent FFTConvolver library. You can load a pooled audio file into this module and it will use it as impulse response for the convolution algorithm.

This module can also be used for cabinet simulation when a cabinet IR is used.

Load AudioFiles per script

// Create a typed Audio Sample Script Reference with right click on the Convolution Module
const var ConvolutionReverb1 = Synth.getAudioSampleProcessor("Convolution Reverb1");

// load all Audio Files from the AudioFiles Folder into the Pool

// set a new file 


# ID Description
0 DryGain the gain value for the unprocessed signal (in dB).
1 WetGain the gain value for the convoluted signal (in dB).
2 Latency the latency between input and output.
3 ImpulseLength (deprecated, use the sample range instead).
4 ProcessInput mutes if false , the input for the reverb with a small fade to prevent clicks.
5 UseBackgroundThread if true , then the convolution will be executed on a background thread.
6 Predelay The predelay in milliseconds
7 HiCut Applies a high cut filter on the impulse response. This recalculates the IR so you can't use it during rendering.
8 Damping Applies a decaying envelope on the impulse response. This recalculates the IR so you can't use it during rendering.
9 FFTType -