
This class acts as glue to link your MainProcessor and MainEditor instances into your HISE project.
If you use the raw API to create HISE projects, you just need to create two classes:

Then you need to return an instance of this class with the two classes as template arguments from the FrontendProcessor::createPresetRaw() method - or just use the CREATE_RAW_PROCESSOR macro that takes care of this for you:

class MyProcessor: public raw::MainProcessor
    // [...]

class MyInterface: public raw::MainEditor
    // [...]

CREATE_RAW_PROCESSOR(MyProcessor, MyInterface);

Class Hierarchy

Base Classes

class MainProcessorClassclass EditorClass

Class methods


Component * createEditor() override

Overwrite this method and return your plugin's main editor.


ValueTree exportAsValueTree() const override

Overwrite this method and return a representation of the object as ValueTree.


void restoreFromValueTree(const ValueTree &previouslyExportedState) override

Overwrite this method and restore the properties of this object using the referenced ValueTree.