
A modulator is a Processor that encapsulates modulation behaviour and returns a float value between 0.0 and 1.0.
A Modulator should be always inside a ModulatorChain , which handles the processing according to the characteristics of each Modulator.
In order to create a modulator, subclass one of the two subclasses, VoiceStartModulator or TimeVariantModulator (never subclass this directly), and overwrite the following methods: cppconst String getType () const;ModulatorEditor *createEditor();float calculateVoiceStartValue(const MidiMessage &messageThatStartedVoice);XmlElement *getDescription () const;float getAttribute (int parameter_index) const;void setAttribute (int parameter_index, float newValue);float getDisplayValue() const;

There are two handy features to debug a modulator: If plotThisModulator() is set to true, the Modulator will print its output on a popup plotter.
ModulatorChain , ModulatorEditor

Class Hierarchy

Base Classes

Derived Classes

Class methods


Modulator(MainController *m, const String &id, int numVoices)

Creates a new modulator with the given Identifier.


void handleHiseEvent(const HiseEvent &)=0

If the modulator uses Midi events, you can specify the behaviour here.
This is likely to be used with midi messages that do not trigger a voice start like cc-messages. For the handling of note-on messages better use the calculateVoiceStartValue() method instead.


int getNumChildProcessors() const override

Normally a Modulator has no child processors, you can overwrite it if you use internal chains.


void setColour(Colour c)

Sets the colour of the modulator.


Colour getColour() const override

Overwrite this method if you want a special colour.
This colour will be used in the debug console and in the editor.